Latest News
Newsletter Amendment
We have made some additions and changes to the Newsletter uploaded this morning. In particular a change was made to the date of the Cross Country Carnival. Students in Years 3 - 6 are coming home today with information about this carnival.
Swimming and Water Safety Program
All students involved in the Swimming and Water Safety Program are asked to bring an extra pair of shorts and an extra t-shirt for their survival swimming assessment tomorrow. Our aim is to show students what it’s like to float and swim with extra layers of clothing on. Josh Leighton, Health & PE Teacher
Early Childhood Assembly
Please be advised that the Early Childhood Assembly today has been cancelled due to the heavy rain. Apologies for the late notice and any inconvenience caused.
Early Childhood Assembly
Please be advised that the Early Childhood Assembly today has been cancelled due to the heavy rain. Apologies for the late notice and any inconvenience caused.
Launceston Cup - Wed 24th February
Launceston Cup Day is a gazetted Public Holiday. Students do not attend school on this day. Staff will be attending from 8:30 am - 11:00 am to undertake professional learning.
Reminder: Swimming Program
Students in Year 3/4/5 and identified students in Year 6 have their Swimming and Water Safety Program starting tomorrow. Please remember to pack bathers, towel, and a plastic bag for wet clothes. Some students will be swimming outside at the Launceston Aquatic Centre, so please ensure your child has a rash top or T shirt to swim in. Sunscreen will be available, however if your child has sensitive skin please pack their personal sunscreen.
Student Validation Forms 2021
It is so important that schools maintain accurate information on each student. 2021 Student Validation Forms are coming home today. Please look at the information we have and make changes where required. It is most important that the Consent section of the form is completed. The Validation form must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian listed on the form. Also coming home are the following documents requiring your attention: 1. Special Data Collection Form - For Parents 2. ICT Acceptable Use Agreement. Please return all three forms by Friday 26th February.
School Uniform Sales Reminder
Uniforms Sales are on Thursday 28 January between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. We ask all families to follow the physical distancing and hand hygeine procedures we will have in place.
20-30 Cadorna St
Mowbray TAS 7248
Phone: 03 6326 1892